When you think of sleep apnea, you think of a middle-aged overweight guy with a thick neck, rattling the rafters at night – and so do most GPs. But few women with sleep apnea look like this, and some don’t even snore, or only snore lightly. In spite of this, sleep apnea in women can… read more
Posts in Category: Sleep Apnea in Women
Sleep apnea is a man’s problem, right? A woman who snores? Shame! Really? Remember Carries Fischer’s death? According to this article in the Daily Mail, women’s lives can be just as disrupted by sleep apnea as men’s. “Nice girls don’t snore,” writes the author, Hannah Borno, “All you can hear as they doze, silent as… read more
The Los Angeles coroner’s report listed Carrie Fisher’s cause of death as “sleep apnea with other factors.” Dentist and Sleep Disorder Specialist, Dr. Keith Valachi, DDS, stopped by KATU to shed more light on sleep apnea in women.
Most of us know of Carrie Fisher’s long battle with drug abuse. But did you know that Carrie Fisher also suffered from Sleep Apnea and that it was related to her cause of death? According to an article on Forbes.com, “The brief announcement Friday evening from the Los Angeles medical examiner’s office on Carrie Fisher’s cause of… read more
The Los Angeles coroner’s report listed Carrie Fisher’s cause of death as “sleep apnea with other factors.” Dentist and Sleep Disorder Specialist, Dr. Keith Valachi, DDS, stopped by KATU to shed more light on sleep apnea in women. Watch the interview Stop Snoring, Sleep Better, and Live Longer! The Dental Sleep Apnea Clinic can help… read more
Contributing Factor of Carrie Fisher’s Death Affects over 18 Million Americans, most Undiagnosed “Beloved actress Carrie Fisher had long struggled with multiple health issues, and it is now apparent that Sleep Apnea was among those issues. Studies have verified that the risks for sleep apnea in women is not widely recognized in the medical profession. We can… read more